Employee wellbeing used to be synonymous with many things including but not limited to EAP (Employee Assistance Programmes), on-demand hot yoga classes, vegan gingerbread lattes distributed at snack o’clock, and on-site sleeping pods. Not to deny the value of such amenities, wellbeing at work today, post-pandemic, has come to include a bigger and more comprehensive description. Wellbeing at work is seen and being transformed to a solid foundation upon which we come to build employee experience.
Corporate wellbeing today is part of an “experience” discussion where it is not regarded as a band-aid programme but is here to change the way we work as human-beings. Wellbeing discussion at work is picked up not just by HR but all parts of the organization and lives, breathes, changes throughout time to cater to needs at work and solve for problems when they arise in order to make work a place where we reach our true potentials as opposed to drag our bodies and souls to. Follow LOOP’s ambitious four week discussion woven around employee experience and how wellbeing can revolutionize each step.
Çalışan Deneyimi Başkanı & Kurucu, Takeda & SESIL PIR Consulting GmbH
Yazar & Oyun Tasarımcısı, SuperBetter
Emekli Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı & CEO, Coca Cola Company
Başantrenör, VakıfBank Sports Club & Turkish National Women’s Volleyball Team
Öğrenme Lideri, Yazar ve Çevik İK Hareketi Öncüsü, PXO Culture
Romancı & Yazar
Araştırma Direktörü, The Josh Bersin Academy
Girişimci, Danışman, Yazar & Kurucu, Social Capital Network
Araştırma & Strateji Direktörü, Gallup
Kurucu Ortak & Yazar, Global Meaning Institute
Müşteri Başarı Direktörü, Learn to Live
İçerik Başkanı & Yazar, Humu
İletişim ve Kültür Başkanı, Küresel Endüstri ve Değer Danışmanlığı, SAP
Ödüllü Psikolog, İnsan Kaynakları Yazarı ve Çalışan Esenliği Direktörü, Benefex
İK Yöneticisi, Genel Energy
İK Lab Yöneticisi, Akbank
Genzyme Uluslararası ve Çin İnsan Kaynakları İş Ortağı, Sanofi
İnsan ve Kültür Lideri, Enerjisa Üretim